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Why Primus?

Where you receive your care matters. Primus Hospital is proud of our team and the exceptional care they provide

We Offer Personalized Care

Patients who have laser therapy may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery. We are dedicated to the best and desired results of laser treatment.

We Are Leaders in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery

Our treatment processor starts from consultation and suggest you laser treatment accordingly. We are here to give excellent experience of laser treatment and care. Feel free to discuss different kinds of issues with our professionals and they provide treatment and suggestions accordingly.

Fast Evaluation

We offer a comprehensive, one-day evaluation. You’ll be seen by all the necessary specialists .

Why Primus
The most important step

The most important step in your cosmetic surgery process is finding the right cosmetic surgeon whom you can trust and depend for long-term care and whose aesthetic sense aligns with your goals. Your aesthetical appearance not only makes you look beautiful but gives your confidence and we at the Department of Aesthetic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery have a dedicated team of highly-qualified and experienced, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, who understand your requirements and provide unmatched expertise.

Primus Hospital is a pioneer laser treatment clinic in Delhi. We are dedicated to provide laser treatment for aesthetic as well as other issues. There are all facilities of laser surgery perform by dermatologist and plastic surgeon. This is the only one as an aesthetic center in Delhi, where dermatologist and plastic surgeon work together. We have all types of advanced technology of lasers and anti ageing technology.

Our speciality services in Cosmetic Surgery department include:

  • Permanent laser hair reduction
  • Acne scars resurfacing
  • Moles
capsule capsule capsule capsule capsule

  • Warts
  • Skin tags laser surgery
  • Melasma
  • Hyper pigmentation
  • Birth marks
  • Laser therapy


Perfecting your body shape is important to us. We believe your body shape is not just about appearance but reflects you and your self-confidence. Combining advanced technology and art of beauty, Primus Body Shaping clinic provides one-stop body shaping solutions to help you achieve shaped body.

Primus body shaping clinic brings together various solutions for body shaping


  • Liposuction :Removes excess fat from a wide variety of areas, including the chin and neck, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees and ankles and buttocks.
  • Bariatric surgery: For those who are highly obese.
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Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck removes excess abdominal fat and skin; typically, also reestablishes weakened or separated muscles. Panniculectomy addresses excess skin below the belly button due to weight loss.

Body lifts

Arms Removes excess hanging skin from the underarm and reshapes the under portion of the upper arm – from the armpit area to the elbow. Thighs – Reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, for smoother skin and better-proportioned contours.

Asymmetry of breasts

Balancing the size of both the breasts

Buttocks lift

A buttock lift improves and/or removes excess, sagging buttock and thigh skin resulting from weight loss, aging and gravity, or genetics.

Inner Thighs Reduction/ Tightening

Inner Thighs Reduction removes excess fat and reshapes the Thigh portion.

Tummy tuck
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What is The Success rate of a root canel?

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What is The Success rate of a root canel?

Nullam mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur. Quisque orci ante. Proin amet turpis
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